Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Bichon Frise A Canine Heartthrob

If ever the greeting card industry needs a poster dog for Valentine's Day, there is no better candidate than the bichon frise (bee-shawn free-zay). Unmistakably intelligent and affectionate, bichons wield a bouncy, cuddly, stuffed-toy appeal. They adore people, radiate self-confidence, and are easily trained. Generations of dependence on human beings have ingrained in them a strong sense of family and a devoted, entertaining spirit. Besides, they were formerly known as the "love gift of the seven seas." If that doesn't float your Valentine boat, you're thoroughly landlocked.

On Land and Sea
According to toy-breed authorities, a small, frequently white breed of dog lived throughout the Mediterranean area as early as 600 to 300 B.C. Their diminutive size and charming personalities made these little dogs the treasured pets of the ladies of the house. In time these lap warmers were crossed with a spaniel type water dog known as the barbet. The dogs resulting from this union retained their lapidary size while gaining in substance and constitution. As a result they found increased favor with the men of the family.

Several small breeds descended from the lap-dog-barbet roots, including thebarbichon, whose name was shortened eventually to bichon. The bichons were not only excellent household companions and mini-alarms, they also became the comrades of many rough-and-tumble seafaring men, who fancied the bichon's small size, hardiness and amiable disposition. Moreover, the dogs served as reminders of home on journeys that often lasted years. Lest you think sailors were awash in sentimentality, you should know that they also traded their little dogs for goods on stops along the trade routes. 

And not always for dry goods. Sailors did not fail to notice that their little dogs appealed greatly to ladies in foreign ports. Before long gentlewomen as far off as the Philippine Islands, Cuba, Argentina, the Canary Islands and Teneriffe were waving good-bye to their paramours, tear in eye and bichon in hand. (The stories these sailors concocted to explain their bichons' absences upon returning home are among the more interesting facets of canine lore forever lost to the ages.)

A Four-Leaf Family

Bichons, too, enjoyed shore leave, and from their fraternization with local dogs there emerged four distinct types of bichons. Those that had developed during their long stay in Cuba became known as the bichon Havanese. Those that had become established on the island of Malta were called the bichon Maltaise. In time this branch became extinct, but some people believe these early dogs were the forerunners of the breed known today as the Maltese. There is little proof, however, to document this belief.

The bichons that developed along the Canary Islands and Teneriffe were reintroduced to Europe by Italian seamen during the 14th century. In Italy this group was segregated into two strains (bichons numbers three and four). One strain, the bichon Bolognaise, lived in and about the city of Bologna. The other, which in the end gained the greatest fame, was called the bichon Teneriffe. This dog, many observers believe, had been introduced to the Canary Island of Teneriffe by Spanish sailors. The name Teneriffe, most sources agree, was retained because its slightly exotic nature enhanced the bichon's value.

The bichon Teneriffe became as popular among the ladies of the Italian royal courts as its forebears had with the ladies of the islands. It eventually found its way to France (to be precise, its way was found for it), where it was highly fashionable during the reign of Francis I (1515-1547), the patron of the Renaissance. Its greatest success came in the court of Henry III (1574-1589), where the bichon was decorated in ribbons and perfume. Bichons also enjoyed popularity in Spain and the works of its artists, including several paintings by Goya.

Street Life

Though they lasted longer than most fads, the bichons from Teneriffe fell from grace. By the late 1800s, bichons were relegated to the status of street urchins in the major cities of France. The sturdy little dogs' rugged constitution enabled them to survive neglect and two world wars. Their charm enabled them to capture the attention of organ grinders and peddlers, who were quick to realize the potential in the crowd-pleasing antics of the bichon. Soon the little dogs began performing tricks on street corners and in circuses and fairs. While the bichons clowned about, pawing the air as though they were begging for money and applause, their owners reaped the financial benefits of this behavior.

The street urchins' appeal did not go unnoticed by dog fanciers, several of whom convinced the Society Central Canine in France in 1933 to write the first official standard for the breed. Perhaps in an attempt to make up for the bichon's previous treatment, somebody decided that the breed should be given the descriptive name bichon a pool frise (bichon of the curly hair), which was thankfully shortened to bichon frise.

New Conquest

The bichon frise first appeared in the United States in the early 1950s. In April 1973, bichons were admitted to the American Kennel Club's (AKC) list of officially recognized breeds. There they can be found classified in the nonsporting group, a designation that belies their former ability to curry favor in foreign ports. Since their recognition by AKC, bichons' popularity has risen each year. They now rank 30th among the 143 breeds registered by the AKC, which enrolled 12,199 new bichons in 1996.

Darts to the Heart

The bichon's entire history has been one of close and constant association with people. Small wonder the breed has developed an amiable disposition and a willingness to accommodate just about any conditions, as long as they include a kind and considerate owner. Affectionate and gentle enough for children and the elderly, the bichon is sturdy enough to walk for hours along the beach or a country road with the man or woman of the house. This irrepressible dog also makes friends with all other breeds of dogs and with cats, bunnies and even birds. Nevertheless, caution is in order when adding a bichon to a house already ruled by a larger dog that's capable of inflicting harm.

Maintenance Required

The bichon's nonshedding and relatively odor-free coat is one of the many facets of its appeal. Yet this is not a low-maintenance dog. Just because the breed comes in white only, do not assume it will stay that way for long. The bichon hasn't been made who isn't happiest when rolling in wet grass or digging in the garden. Nor does that nonshedding, curly coat stay clipped and brushed on its own. Indeed, maintaining the jaunty, tailored bichon shape is not an art that every owner is able to master. If you want your bichon to stay looking like a bichon, there will be regular trips to the grooming parlor and thorough, in-house brushing conferences at least twice weekly. Finally, although the bichon does not shed and appears to be nonallergenic to most humans, the breed, like many white, pink-skinned dogs, can be extremely flea sensitive.

Let Me Count the Ways

Though the bichon involves work and commitment on the part of its owner, there are few breeds more versatile and adaptable. The bichon is hardy and not susceptible to chronic illnesses. It is not so small (9 to 12 inches at the shoulder, 10 to 18 pounds) that it can be injured easily in rough-and-tumble play. Temperamentally, the bichon is just as content to sit by your side and to help you read a book as it is to spend the day hiking along a mountain trail. It is more than delighted to play games with you by the hour, but just as content to help you through a bout of the flu by sitting quietly at the foot of your bed (or on the pillow if you permit). This is a breed in which males are just as loving and tractable as females. In fact, many owners claim that males are much easier to housebreak and a little more eager to please than are females. Bichons are also a long-lived breed. Many live well into their teen years.

The bichon frise is a born companion and entertainer. Its dark eyes, nose and lips (called "points") and the black or dark brown pigment around the eyes (called a "halo") create a special bichon look -- one that sparkles with inquisitiveness, joie de vivre and mischief. This look of perpetual liveliness is more often that not augmented by a perpetually wagging tail. One that seems to trace Valentine hearts in the air.

Spanners in the Works

Like every other breed known to -- and developed with the assistance of -- humankind, the bichon frise is bound by genetic compromise. Persons interested in buying a bichon, after answering a breeder's questions, should pose several questions of their own about the prevalence of the following conditions in that breeder's line of dogs: patella luxation, hip dysplasia, bladder stones (particularly in females) progressive retinal atrophy, juvenile cataracts and other eye problems.
Luxating patella is a dislocation of the small, flat, moveable bone at the front of the knee. An inherited tendency, luxating patella can be aggravated by excess weight. The condition can be corrected by surgery. Because dogs with luxating patella dogs often produce dogs with this same disease, buyers should ask if both the sire and the dam of the puppy in which they are interested have been rated clear of luxation by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Do not take yes for an answer without seeing the certificate, and ask for a copy to take to your veterinarian.
Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint resulting in a poor fit between the head of the femur bone and the hip socket, in which the femoral head normally lies. This condition can be alleviated by surgery. Because dysplastic dogs often produce dysplastic puppies, buyers should ask if both the sire and the dam of the puppy in which they are interested have been rated clear of hip dysplasia by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or by Penn HIP. Again, don't take yes for an answer without seeing the certificate, and ask for a copy to take to your veterinarian. Hip x-rays should be taken after a dog is two years old
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is the wasting away of the vessels in the retina. Initially manifested as night blindness in young dogs, as PRA progresses, its victims become totally blind. Conscientious bichon breeders test the eyes of their breeding dogs every year. Therefore, a conscientious breeder should be able to produce current CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) test results for both parents of any puppy offered for sale.
In addition to determining -- as much as one can determine -- the occurrence of inherited problems in a particular line of dogs, anyone who is considering a bichon or any other pedigreed dog, should ask the seller who will be responsible for the vet bills if a radiant-looking puppy should be victimized by an obviously inherited condition later in its life.

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